in this article, I share with you little code of C programming that how logical operators work.
this is an example of Marksheet where I use logical operators.
this is an example of Marksheet where I use logical operators.
//Use of logical operator &&
int obt_matric,obt_inter,max_matric,max_inter;
float per_matric,per_inter;
printf("Enter matriculation obtained:");scanf("%d",&obt_matric);
printf("Enter matriculation maximum:");scanf("%d",&max_matric);
printf("Enter intermediate obtained:");scanf("%d",&obt_inter);
printf("Enter intermediate maximum:"); scanf("%d",&max_inter);
per_matric = obt_matric*100/max_matric;
per_inter = obt_inter*100/max_inter;
if(per_matric>=80 && per_inter>=80)
printf("Congratulation! you got double top A-1 Grade in matric And Inter");
printf("You fail to got double top");