How to Make Money with SEO If You're Not Good in English


The biggest problem is a lot of people are not good in English, or perhaps it's the reason people don't want to learn SEO because they think English is important for SEO, but in reality, it's not

But for this, you must have strong knowledge of Keyword Research, Keyword Difficulty Analysis, and Backlink Building. If you're a regular reader of my SEO posts, I have taught all of such things.

Let's come to the point. How you can do the magic:

How to Make Money with SEO If You're Not Good in English

1. Web Developer or Programmer

If your English is not good, you must learn some skills. Do you know Web Developing is the hottest job? According to some surveys, after a decade, there would be more jobs for web developing than people. And what I say

Take this keyword that I found "username generator."

It has "110,000 Searches per month", Ahref Difficulty 30, Moz Difficulty 21 as well as I tried to check its difficulty by opening all the sites one by one and their DA PA.

What I found is that all the sites can be defeated less than a year. All have low DA PA, and bad user experience sites.

How to Earn Money

If you're a good developer, you can build a website better than them with great user experience. Build quality backlinks. If you have watched my recent video on how to find backlinks opportunities, then making a backlink is a piece of cake. 

You can buy a domain with partial EMD as it's the case with Here Small is a brand name and SEO Tools is the exact keyword.

It means many keywords need no content or long articles. You will build websites on those keywords then you will rank that site. It's your job, sign out Facebook, take a pen and a notebook, think and write. If you're a programmer, I love you because you're the hero of this world :D

2. Find the Niche That Needs No English

If you're not good at English, don't worry. Many niches need no English writing skills provided you have strong SEO knowledge.

Have you ever visited Filehippo that gives you latest software downloading link without cracked? You can do the same!

But how? Doesn't it have high competition? What an excellent question!

Let's come to the SEO basic! Have you read my SEO Articles that when you do SEO you have two options:

A) Find low competition keywords and rank with low-quality backlinks or social signals

B) Take any keyword and rank with quality backlinks

You will do the same! You will find the keywords of software which are low competition and have good volume. You will provide the software, and build good backlinks;

you will be able to rank. It would need some time because new sites might be in Google Sandbox.

Similarly, you can find other niches.

3. Freelancing

It's the best solution because you will offer your SEO skills to,,, and These are the authentic websites that pay 100%.

You must check your luck on such websites. You can make use of their search engine, check what type of SEO Services are being offered, then offer 'em.

 For example, some people want to be done SEO of some pages via SEO Yoest. You can easily do it.

you can also use  "Linkio is designed to give SEOs the right anchor text to build next, by using insightful data to help you make better-informed decisions.

There are many ways; you need to unlock your potential to see in many dimensions. Just visit a lot of websites in a day! Do different searches, observe, think and implement.



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Weblog Tricks - Helping You Succeed To Become an entrepreneur: How to Make Money with SEO If You're Not Good in English
How to Make Money with SEO If You're Not Good in English
How to Make Money with SEO If You're Not Good in English how to make money with scrapebox how to make money with seo and internet marketing
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