Hi, guys now write an important topic for new blogger about how to make blog posts SEO friendly, Let's go...
Mainly search engine depends on some important item of your blog post. Search Engine Friendly Item of Post:
post setting is an important matter for SEO search engine optimization. you must Fill up this option.
Mainly search engine depends on some important item of your blog post. Search Engine Friendly Item of Post:
how to create SEO friendly content
1.Unique post or topics Title.
Create a unique post or topics Title means - write a post or topics name which is most unique and SEO friendly keyword basis. you can also use google keyword planner for choosing your post title keyword. Just go https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner
then write your primary article name or post title and click get search idea. you can see the result. You choose or take keywords which are best search volume.
2. Header title as h1 h2 h3...
when you write a new post or topics on blogger click HTML mode to write an SEO friendly post.
you can use HTML code in HTML version.
you must write your post or topics header by using H1 h2 h3 h4...html code.
3.Post description:
You write a new post which is must be unique and post words minimum 500 words. Your post or topics description must title related neither search engine avoid your website or blog page.
Post description mainly cloud of important keywords. I also suggest to a new blogger to write their post about tips article as social, culture, health, information, etc which post are will help to people.
4.unique image and image title and alt text:
When you write a new topic or post you must use post related unique image or photos.
Because a unique image or photo helps your site to improve your search engine SEO result. You can use your post image by click to upload an image in the top menu.
please see screenshot. after uploading your post related image then you need to set up image title, alt text. just click to composes mode and click on an image and set up image title and alt text.

Post Setting
post setting is an important matter for SEO search engine optimization. you must Fill up this option.
5. Post label:
Write carefully with your post label when writing it. Post label helps to your search engine optimization result and create your post category. Post label must write about your post related.
If Your post is "How to create a free blog site on google blogger?" Write your post Label as "Weblog Tricks" if you need many labels, you will write many label name by using, comma.
6. Post link:
This is an important matter of SEO. So make a post URL or post link by clicking links. Carefully write post link if your post name "How to create a free blog site on google blogger?"
will your post custom link as "how-to-create-a-free-blog-site-on-google-blogger" . Don't use _ underscore, Capital letter, complex or symbol character like # % $, Because this is not SEO friendly.
This option is one of the most important SEO processes. here write important keywords which are related to your post and search volume well.
Search on Google your Main Keyword and See Related Keywords or suggestion keywords of your keyword.
7. Search Description:
This option is one of the most important SEO processes. here write important keywords which are related to your post and search volume well.
Search on Google your Main Keyword and See Related Keywords or suggestion keywords of your keyword.