Top 10 Amazing SEO Tools and Software


Today I'm talking to you about some of the coolest  SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tools out there, that are gonna help you more effectively drive traffic and ranking for your website.
SEO Tools help you to do Search Engine Optimization to find the best keywords for your targeted words.

Okay, so the first tool is the kind of a staple point in the Best Free SEO Tools.

10 important SEO Tools & Software

1. Google Keyword Planner Tool

So that tool allows you to do research(Kwfinder) inside of Google to figure out how much Search traffic specific terms have.

10 important SEO Tools & Software

and you can look at that by different match types, you can look at that by specific region and specific 
countries, you can really break out the keyword research in a lot of different ways.

So that is one of the best tools out there for keyword research, and I definitely recommend that you check it out.

2. Google Trends

So the Second SEO Tool I have is Google Trends and if you haven't seen Google trends, it's a really cool tool that allows you to see keyword research, but it allows you to see that over time,

so if there's a specific term,  as like Search Engine Optimization.

10 important SEO Tools & Software

For Example, You'll be able to see if it's become more popular or less popular over time.
and it also allows you to drill down into specific regions to see where it's popular and where it's not.

it's a really cool SEO tool. I also recommend you jump in and check it out. it can give you some good data for forecasting.

it even has a forecasting element to it that's gonna show you if they believe that it's going to become a bigger search term or less important search term in the future. 

and it allows to you to actually dissect the intent of the keyword, meaning you know, if it's just a search term, that's one thing, if it's in the news, it's another thing, so you can kind of understand 

3. Google Search Console 

So this is one of the most important tools out there for webmasters. it used to be called the webmaster tool now it's called Google Search Console.

10 important SEO Tools & Software

it basically allows you to understand how Google is interpreting your website online,  and then it allows you to manipulate certain aspects of that, so make sure you set your site up in there, make sure you submit your sitemap. 

it's going to tell you if you have crawl errors. it's going to tell you if you have errors in your AMP Pages  (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

it's going to tell you how many links are pointing to your website, and how much traffic you're getting from Google.

it's really very depth tool and I look forward to doing an entire overview of you of Google Search Console in a future Article.

4. Screaming Frog Tool 

10 important SEO Tools & Software

Screaming Frog tool is very much like Xenu the Link Sleuth. it's very similar the tools are built in different ways, but Screaming Frog will crawl a site very quickly, spit back very similar information.

it'll give you the titles, the description, the H1, the H2, the content, the amount of content on the page,
characters on the page, does it have a real canonical or not?

it's very powerful but those tools are actually quite similar to each other both the Xenu and Screaming Frog 

5. DeepCrawl

10 important SEO Tools & Software

DeepCrawl is another crawling tool much like Xenu and Screaming Frog but DeepCrawl is a little bit more premium. and it actually gives you the information in a much more digestible form.

So DeepCrawl is one that if you've got kind of a bigger site and if you don't really wanna go through all the weeds manually. it's gonna be more effective because it spits out a nice report that aggregates all the information from the crawl a little bit cleaner than Xenu and Screaming Frog.

 6. SEMrush

So SEMrush has developed a crawler that's just like DeepCrawl it has a digest report that basically gives you an overview of what the crawl found that is a lot like DeepCrawl.

10 important SEO Tools & Software

SEMrush also some does cool stuff much like the Google Keyword Planner in that it allows you to do keyword research in some cases it's a little bit easier than using the keyword planner and a little bit more beginner-friendly and it also provides a competitive analysis.

So you can see who the top competitors are in the space, you can do a site comparison,
you can see how many keywords you're ranking for and how many keywords your competitors are ranking for and what the overlap looks like there. also, can read this.

it allows you to do just general rank tracking overall, they've even built out some social elements to it and I could go on about this tool they've made it quite robust.

Even has some AdWords reports in there they are very good as well similar to SpyFu, which I'll get into next.

7. SpyFu

10 important SEO Tools & Software

SpyFu has been the kind of Staple point in the Search Engine Marketing industry for a long time.

and they do have organic traffic elements to SpyFu, But it's a little bit more on the paid side, I would say but their paid data is really really cool. you can see how much they're bidding on the ads, 

8. Majestic

10 important SEO Tools & Software

Majestic SEO Tool, it's one of the biggest link indexes in the world, they actually claim to be the biggest link index in the world, which I believe is true.

if you look at majestic compared to like a MOZ their link index is way, way bigger that means you can find all the links with complete SEO.


10 important SEO Tools & Software

Moz has a lot of link tools to show you the authority of the page and how many links are connecting to your site and also show the links of your site Domain authority. it's also crawler tools


10 important SEO Tools & Software

Pitchbox as like BuzzStream is a link outreach tool it's also crawler tools grab the bunch of email address and then email them a series of emails and kind of keep track that.

These are ten Amaze SEO Tools and Software. if you have any question regarding this you can comment.  



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Top 10 Amazing SEO Tools and Software
Top 10 Amazing SEO Tools and Software, Google Trend,Kwfinder google keyword planner tool Google Trends google search console webmaster tools semerush
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